Monday, April 2, 2012


Plate Six: Using Acrylic Paint.
                 Plate six is one of my favorite submissions, it was under the category of food or at least close to it.

1. Sketch the image from your photo reference using pencil.
2. Paint the subject in a realistic manner (at most) using acrylic paint on a 15 x 20 coldpress illustration board. (*Please maximize the whole space!)
3. However, you must "ALTER" the usual color of the subject, by which your rendered output will have an impact to our visual perception. Ex. Pink eggplant."

  I was assigned french fries! When I checked what everyone else had I could only think one thought. Sir was hungry. I really wanted to draw just one fry but french fries was plural so I drew more that two to meet the requirement. My picture had a purple plate with yellow fries and red ketchup, so I inverted the colors into their complementary half. From red to green, yellow to purple, and purple to yellow.

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